
One Step Closer

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We are using Janice’s Relationship Rules as a foundation of sorts for our relationship; it provides us with a common place to return to when we feel that we are out of sorts. Additionally, we have spent a significant amount of time discussing Rule 4 (appreciation) and what that means to each of us. We incorporate the Rules into our relationship daily, paying special attention to what our partner values most. John finds that being let off the hook is most meaningful to him, while Lisa appreciates being listened to and understood. Both of us look forward to date nights when we leave the kids, work concerns and bills behind to focus our time and energy on our relationship. Exploring new interests together on date nights have helped us create special memories that we’ll always treasure.
~ John & Lisa
“Pharetra aliquam fermentum, feugiat egestas aliquam quam proin nulla auctor pellentesque.”
Hugo Medhurst
Lake Hollieshire

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